Moving industrial processes from energy intensive to enzymatically driven.

Enabling a cleaner, more abundant future for all.
Unless was the second largest investor in the Series A for Aether, which is transforming industrial processes through a design platform for novel enzymes.
Enabling a cleaner, more abundant future for all.

Leveraging machine learning on proprietary datasets, Aether is extending nature’s set of enzymes to transform traditional industrial processes.
The first Industrial Revolution, powered by coal and oil, transformed molecules through intense heat, pressure and the application of caustic materials. Aether is leveraging nature’s technology, the enzyme, to produce products in novel processes that are profoundly less energy- and capital- intensive for the New Industrial Revolution.
Utilizing proprietary reaction testing technology, the company has developed a robust dataset of novel enzymatic reactions enabling algorithms to quickly identify and iterate designs for purpose-built novel enzymes.
The Aether team brings together deep experience from synthetic biology, materials science, data analytics, and industrial fields across both applications and cutting edge research.
UC Davis, Stanford, Karius, MongoDB, Siluria Technologies, Zymmergen, Codexis, UC Santa Cruz, University of Cambridge
Unless, Natural Capital, Henkel, Radical Impact
+ To continue to raise the standard of living for the global population, the world needs to make more from less.
+ Cleaner, modular, and cheaper - enzymatic processes have the potential to lower cost curves across industries.
Lithium extraction processes requires 1000X less water than competitive technologies.
New classes of proteins designed to extract over 12 classes of metals to date.
Invented new class of material additive that makes printing military grade drone parts more than 10x faster.